Natalie Portman Personality Type – ISTJ

Natalie Portman Personality Type - ISTJ
Natalie Portman ISTJ Personality Type


Yeah, not one of Natalie Portman’s best photos but this was completely intentional. I wanted to capture Natalie in her natural state, when she isn’t acting on script – a candid shot if you will. We usually see Natalie strutting along in a pretty pristine dress accompanied by a great big smile. Watch some of Natalie’s interviews from her younger years (well, and now too) and you’ll see what I mean. Go back in time and watch one of her first movies (I think it was her first), “Léon: The Professional” . If you’ve already watched it, it’s worth watching again – highly recommended, really good movie.

Other big hits include “Black Swan”, “Marvel’s Thor” and Star Wars – check these movies out as well.

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Thor Odinson Personality Type – ESTP

Thor Odinson Personality Type - ESTP
Thor Odinson ESTP Personality Type


This is Thor, God of Thunder – one of the most powerful Asgardians and Avenger. Thor Odinson can be paired with just about anyone in the MCU but where he is most fitting would be with the Trinity (secular) – namely, with Captain America (ISFJ) and Iron Man (ENTP). If you haven’t already seen MCU’s Avenger’s Endgame you’ll see what I mean, there is an epic scene against Thanos you won’t want to miss.

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Kevin Costner Personality Type – ISFP

Kevin Costner Personality Type - ISFP
Kevin Costner ISFP Personality Type


Kevin Costner isn’t an easy personality type to nail down, this curiosity made me want to dig into Kevin’s function stack. I reflected on his acting career and movies made – for me it was “Dances with Wolves”, “Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves” and “WaterWorld” to name a few. Oh yeah of course there’s “Body Guard” with Whitney Houston. Come to think of it there isn’t a Kevin Costner movie I didn’t like.

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Jon Snow Personality Type – INFP

Jon Snow Personality Type - INFP
Jon Snow INFP Personality Type


Jon Snow. Probably one if not my favorite character from Game of Thrones. Seasons over so there will definitely be some spoilers here – so tune in and binge if you haven’t yet. I’ve been wanting to type Jon Snow for a while now. There’s been a lot of confusion circulating the internet about Jon’s personality type. I’ve seen ISFP, INFJ, INTJ and yes even ENTJ. Just seems like typing fanatics have given up here saying well… Jon has no type.

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