Shia LaBeouf, can I just say “Shy La Buff”? Ok so Shia is an interesting dude, I usually like to write about people who have settled in to themselves, aged and seasoned folks who have a workable timeline I can observe. With Shia though, he’s matured into himself – well not fully but enough personality to grind through.
The sources have come up with INFP, INFJ, and ENFP. I do think Shia is a perceiver not a judger – yeah I know what you’re thinking, I’m breaking my own rule about cognitive functions. When observing dichotomies, what I like to do is feel one’s energy, one’s “vibe” if you will – something a person does long enough it shows. Perceivers have a different way of roaming the earth, you just have to get that vibe.
I was split between INFP and ENFP and I can see why some people can argue INFP. Shia has transformed over time, a few enlightenments and great awakenings can do that to a star. He’s not quite that Disney lad we once knew, but it’s still there just carved in a different way now. He’s kind of gone his own way, set himself apart from the crowd. In some photos, he looks like a vagabond, a nomad – a man in search for meaning. INFP’s weigh heavy on meaning – so do every other type but ENFP’s on the other hand really let it out.
ENFP’s are a lot more mobile though when searching for meaning. ENFP’s strip themselves down instead, rather than make additions with the exception of a beard and a manbun. They come back from wherever they came from and provide dimensions and angles that don’t need to be forced out of an ENFP – the visuals say it all.
INFP’s aren’t very likely to give a “Just do it” motivational speech, Shia is famous for. ENFP’s can get in your face, yeah they can be cartoonish but are likely more vocal than an INFP.
Extraverted intuition is what rules Shia, following is introverted feeling. I liken extraverted intuition like some powerful pulse radiating outward, creating endless ripples beyond itself. Shia is like this, he’s searching for something and it shows. A true ENFP, a rugged one but don’t let that fool you – Shia will have a lot of stories to tell you.
“They’re very, uh, you know, I don’t come from the suburbs and a jolly, Disney type of lifestyle. I come from something totally different. And they’re cool and bare minimum so it’s not always a money issue for me.”
Shia LaBeouf